The power of plants; why all people, should be plant-people


Indoor botanicals offer us more than a picturesque aesthetic.

They make us feel good, boosting both our mental and physical health whether that be within a residential home or a plant-packed commercial space.  





Our human desire to connect with nature is not a ‘trend’, it’s a true biological need . In recent years scientific studies have shown undisputed correlations between the great outdoors and it’s calming effects, even when exposer is only brief. The age-old cure for feeling low has always been to get up and go outside, which most will recall does indeed work wonders, reducing mental fatigue and stress whilst increasing self-esteem. We all seek to connect with botanicals in their natural environments but in our modern lives most of our time is spent indoors and so greenifying interior spaces is undeniably important .

Plants add life to sterile workspaces, reducing noise levels whilst providing privacy. As a result indoor greenery utilized in these spaces has been proven to encourage concentration and creativity. As well-being improves and employees take less days off work due to illness, overall productivity subsequently increases. 

The leaves of plants absorb and reflect noise, a benefit which throughout history has been utilised within exterior horticulture design, reducing noise in busy cities from transport and nightlife. More recently this concept has transferred into interior spaces with plants cleverly combined to reduce background level noise, sound-breaking to creating a tranquil environment.

Air pollution is an issue we all face every day and not just outside, we’re surrounded by unclean air in our workplaces and homes too. Sick Building Syndrome is a term often associated to this, used to describe sudden symptoms or illnesses by people who are otherwise healthy yet experience various health disorders when at work in large commercial buildings - symptoms in these cases usually disappear when employees are away from the building and reappear when back at work. It’s not just commercial buildings either, the compounds causing these effects can be found in almost every home.

Plants clean indoor air by absorbing harmful toxins, increasing a spaces humidity and producing the all important lifesource we need; oxygen. Purifying species such as snake plants, pothos, birds nest ferns and philodendrons are all ideal options when utilising plants in the fight against polluted environments. 

Considering the power plants have on our daily lives, as well as human existence overall, it's difficult not to embrace them in our homes and social spaces. Keeping plants alive however, we know, can be tricky. Whilst greenery offers substantial health benefits and visual appeal it’s important to remember that plants are a living being, with life sources needed to survive too. Follow us here as we explain how to create an indoor jungle that thrives...

Rachel Usher

Interior Design Studio, creating considered interiors for an enhanced, emotive interior experience.

An indoor jungle that thrives


The Simple Life; soothe your senses